ASCII Star Wars via telnet
This is old, but oh so gold. Watch an ASCII version of Star Wars via telnet. Of course, this is a silent movie. Make sure you have someone to play the piano or use this.
This is old, but oh so gold. Watch an ASCII version of Star Wars via telnet. Of course, this is a silent movie. Make sure you have someone to play the piano or use this.
Chaostage - Kampf der Welten 1995
Eine Dokumentation über die Chaostage in Hannover, in der sich Punks und Autonome mehrtägige Straßenschlachten mit der Polizei liefern. Der Film ist nicht nur unheimlich interessant, sondern auch künstlerisch wertvoll.
Nach dem 1995er-Chaos-Tagen kam Anfang 1996 ein Video in Umlauf, das sich schnell zu einem …
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Eine wunderschön illustrierte Seite, die erklärt, was eigentlich passiert, wenn dein Komputer ein Programm ausführt.
I was recently experiencing problems with the wireless interface on my Debian 11 home server. The connection was very
instable and I could observe rtlwifi: AP off, try to reconnect now
entries in the kernel log. My first thought was a
power management issue with my wireless adapter, so I …
I wanted to import my current password store into a new machine, and re-encrypt all passwords with a new gpg key. A similar question was asked here. This is how I solved it:
gpg --generate-key